6 Cybersecurity Threats for Digital Marketers in 2023
Cybersecurity has never been more important in the age of big data and digital marketing. Every day, marketers collect and store more sensitive data, from customer contact information to sales…
General will live on forever
Cybersecurity has never been more important in the age of big data and digital marketing. Every day, marketers collect and store more sensitive data, from customer contact information to sales…
The Lulworth Cove to Durdle Door walk captures the best of the Jurassic Coast; towering limestone cliffs, natural arches and magnificent views. It’s an easy and stunning short walk in…
Posted by Adam Franklin Who’s got the better work ethic in your business… ‘You’ (ie. in real life) or the ‘digital version of you’ (ie. online)? I posed this question…
Marketers and business owners are always looking for new ways to reach their target audience and get to them ahead of their competitors. And so, you’ve probably heard of word-of-mouth…
Holly BF Warren (atelierista/art studio teacher/multimedia artist) When we think we might stare into space, look out from a window, doodle, fiddle with whatever is at hand, touch our head,…
When was the last time you cried at the end of a school year? I’ve done it about five times as a teacher, each moment with its own context. The…
Developed by UK engineering company Viritech, the Apricale is a zero-emission hydrogen-powered hypercar based on an innovative fuel cell system supported by a lightweight but highly efficient battery. In the…
There is no denying that winter in Calgary is cold. However, the ever-present snow, sunny days, and festive atmosphere make this Canadian city an absolute delight to visit this time…
Olive the cat keeps me calm. I was listening to a podcast yesterday while driving to and from the post office with my Frango client gifts. I didn’t hear all…
亲爱的婆婆, 在天堂的您,过得好吗? 在那里,您是否穿得暖、睡得好、吃得饱呢? 我希望此刻的您,是面带微笑,幸福开心的。 不知不觉,您离开我们已经有一年多了。在这些日子里,我一直好想写下关于您的点点滴滴,但是每当看到您的照片或想起您,眼泪就会不听使唤,夺眶而出。我知道您一定不希望我难过,而是带着笑容地回忆起和您度过的美好回时光,但是,我还总是办不到。想到您,我的心仍然好痛,也好舍不得您。 记得小时候,每当学校放暑假,我就会到您的家住,和您一起吃喝玩乐。我们一起打电动游戏,包括我们最爱的 ice climber, balloon fight 和 battle city, 而且每次都玩得不亦乐乎。我们也会出门逛街,您会带我去吃肯德基,还会趁服务生没注意时,把饮料装得满满的。 您会煮热腾腾的云吞汤给我吃,还教我怎么包云吞。我最爱吃您包得肉粽,您做的鸡蛋卷,和您亲手蒸的芋头糕。这一切,都是我童年的美好记忆。就算我再也没有机会尝到这些佳肴,那种味道、那份疼爱、那般温馨,我将永记在心。 我从小就认为婆婆您在彩色这方面很擅长。你彩的图案,总会让我刮目相看。是您叫我彩色不能出线,彩色笔要朝同一个方向彩,而且力度要拿捏得好。多才多艺的您,还会缝制衣服呢! 我记得我有一套粉红色的睡衣,就是您量了我的尺寸后,亲手做给我的。还有,那陪伴我多年的百家被,也是您一针一线缝制出来的。 您喜欢打麻将和玩牌,所以到了夜晚,我们两个人会一起玩。是咯,两个人都能玩,而且还玩上几个小时,我们可真厉害吧! 看到您开心,我也开心。您那灿烂无比的笑容,独一无二的笑声,会陪伴我到永久。 谢谢您,给了我那么多的美好回忆,也感激您,陪我度过人生的里程碑。我的生日,我的毕业典礼,我的注册仪式,我的婚宴,我的孩子出世,您都在我身边。 认识俊威后,他也非常孝敬您,常常陪您打麻将和带您环岛品尝各种美食。您总是被他逗得乐开怀,我也很庆幸我们能常常和您度过愉快的周末。2009年,你和阿姨到了瑞典来探望我们,我们一起住了一个多月。除了打麻将,我们也一起逛街,跳舞,看电视,甚至一起开车到德国的柏林, 丹麦的哥本哈根和瑞典的马尔墨游玩。我们拍了好多珍贵的照片,而这些照片也成了我宝贵的收藏,每当看到它们,就会想起亲爱的您。 您知道吗?农历新年是我最爱的佳节。每逢农历新年,我们在除夕夜都回到您的家吃团圆饭。大年初一,初二和初三,我们全家大小到都会您家拜年,和您共度新年。大伙儿一起吃饭,玩牌,看电视,其乐融融。如今您不在了,以后的新年再也不一样了。婆婆啊,我真的好想您,您知道吗? 若以前有什么让您生气的地方,请您见谅。当自己的孩子越来越多,陪您的时间越来越少,也希望您原谅。我心中的遗憾是您在世的时候,没带凯凯多多去探望您。让我感到安慰的是,至少您曾经抱过他,也参与了他的满月派对。我会好好照顾您的曾孙和曾孙女们,请您别为我们操心。 这个视频,是特别献给您的,希望能让我们永远记得您的美,您的好,您的善良。永远爱您,婆婆,也坚信我们总会有重逢的一天。谢谢您,让我有这份福气当你的孙女,来世,我还是要您做我最爱的婆婆。❤️ 亚双上 2022年12月6日
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