Artists, crafts people, entertainment and more prepare for Lakewood Arts Festival: A Place in the Sun


LAKEWOOD, Ohio – It’s the final stretch for preparations for the 2022 Lakewood Arts Festival.

The popular summer event will mark its 45th year on Aug. 6. Booths featuring a variety of artists and crafts people once again will line Detroit Avenue from Belle Avenue on the east to Arthur Avenue on the west in the city’s downtown business district from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission is free.

Lakewood Downtown Lakewood Arts Festival, Inc., a nonprofit organization, administers the show with the help of a team of volunteers and cooperation from the city of Lakewood. The arts festival supports itself with money raised by entry fees, donations from community merchants, scholarship funds and other efforts.

About 165 artists are selected each year to participate in the juried art show. Awards, which are funded with help from local businesses and community organizations, are presented to the artists selected as best of show, second place, third place, best creative presentation and best new artist.

In addition to supporting the festival, some of the funds raised or donated are used for a scholarship for a Lakewood resident who is a high school graduate and plans to pursue a degree in fine arts. Some LAF funds also provide grants to local organizations that present art programs for children and seniors in Lakewood.

Lakewood High School Barnstormers and the Photography Club, Help to Others which benefits Lakewood middle school students, Lakewood Catholic Academy’s arts programs, Barton Center’s senior arts activities and Beck Center for the Arts’ programs.

The daylong festival also features live musical entertainment on three stages. This year’s lineup includes Luca Mundaca, Sugar Pie & Friends and Bridgetown Junction at the Andrews Stage; Chris Allen, Maura Rogers & the Bellows, Tam Tam Magic/Senegalese drummers, Liz Bullock and Punchdrunk Tagalongs on the Park Stage at Cook Avenue and Jessica McGrath &B Carter Riordan (violin duets), Clara Edleman (singer/songwriter), Tracy Ammon (guitar/vocals), Tom Kurlander & Pale Blue Sound (folk music), Shaun McGrath and Amy Yekel (opera selections), Russ Stich & Friends (improvisational theater), Madjax Dance Co. (dance), Katrina Sparks (spoken word), Black Beanz (African-inspired dance) and Kraig Brock (steel drum) pm the Beck Stage at St. Charles Avenue.

Each year, a local artist creates a limited-edition LAF lithograph that can be purchased at the festival information booth. Proceeds help support the LAF scholarship fund.

Festival attendees also will find a variety of food options for purchase and booths staffed by local nonprofit groups.

For more information on the festival, visit

flower box

Volunteers and local merchants help keep the flower boxes along Detroit Avenue in tip-top shape throughout the summer. The planters add a splash of color in the city’s downtown business district. (Carol Kovach/special to

Cruisin’ in: Car aficionados might be interested in two upcoming events that will feature classic cars and trucks.

The annual St. Patrick Cruise-in and Ice Cream Social, set for 5-8 p.m. Aug. 3 on the grounds of St. Patrick Parish, 4427 Rocky River Drive, in Cleveland’s West Park neighborhood.

Entry fee is $10 for those who want to enter a vehicle in the car show. Any make, model or year can be entered. There will be dash plaques, door prizes and trophies for the drivers. In addition, there will be a DJ, basket raffles, 50/50 drawing and more.

Spectators are admitted free. Hot dogs, hamburgers, baked goods and ice cream will be available for purchase.

The event is a fundraiser for the parish and is coordinated by the Holy Name Society.

And speaking of car cruise-ins, Olmsted Historical Society will have its Car Cruise In & Antique Engines Show 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 7 at the Frostville Museum complex, 24101 Cedar Point Road, North Olmsted, in the Rocky River Reservation of the Cleveland Metroparks.

There is a $1 donation at the door. The event will feature classic cars, trucks and antiques on display. Vendors are welcome.

The Lagrange Engine Club also will display a collection of antique farm engines, big and small.

Museum buildings will open at 10 a.m. and food and beverages will be available for purchase.

For information, contact John Baker, 440-734-3124, or visit

Learn about the Legion: American Legion Post 738, based in Fairview Park, will have a table at Summerfest this weekend staffed by Legion members to explain the mission of the American Legion and to answer questions the public may have concerning the Legion. Members also will explain membership eligibility.

Briefly, any honorably discharged veteran who has served since Dec. 7, 1941 is eligible to join the American Legion. Visit the website,, for more information. Legion members invite visitors to stop at the Post’s table at Summerfest, or to visit the Post, 19311 Lorain Road, Fairview Park, any Tuesday evening.

Call 440-356-2110 for more information.

Night at the Races: Friends of North Olmsted Parks and Recreation will present a Night at the Races 6-10 p.m. Aug. 6 at St. Clarence Church Pavilion, 30106 Lorain Road, North Olmsted.

General admission is $25, which includes food, beverages and wash. Attendees can bring their own alcoholic beverages.

There will be a 10-race format with 10 horses per race. Name a horse for $10 or sponsor a race for $100. Call Frank Boulton, 216-973-4578 for advertising opportunities and more information.

Community meal: Clague Road United Church of Christ and Church of the Redeemer in Westlake will co-sponsor a free grab ‘n go meal 4:30 p.m. until the food runs out on July 30. Those interested in a meal should drive to the back door of Clague Road UCC, 3650 Clague Road, North Olmsted, and volunteers – masked and gloved – will bring a meal to your car. All are welcome.

Chalk the Walk: Area residents of all ages are invited to stop by the North Olmsted Branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Aug. 6 to help decorate the library’s sidewalks in celebration of summer reading and CCPL’s 100th anniversary. The North Olmsted Library is at 27403 Lorain Road, North Olmsted.

Visit the library between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to get a free balloon animal or figure from Cleveland Magic and Balloons. Surprise giveaways will be available in the children’s area for the first 100 participants.

The events are sponsored by Friends of North Olmsted Library.

Street sale: The annual West Boulevard Neighbors Block Club Street Sale is planned for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the West Boulevard/Cudell/Baltic Avenue/Clifton Boulevard/Edgewater neighborhood of Cleveland.

Bargain-hunters are invited to stop by and peruse the merchandise.

Each yard/street sale operates independently. Some may begin their sales as early as Aug. 4.

Information, please: Readers are invited to share information about themselves, their families and friends, organizations, church events, etc. in Fairview Park, Lakewood, North Olmsted and West Park for the A Place in the Sun column, which I write on a freelance basis. Awards, honors, milestone birthdays or anniversaries and other items are welcome. Submit information at least 10 days before the requested publication date to [email protected].

Read more from the Sun Post Herald.


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